Monday, June 7, 2010



Joe is both Clark Kent and Superman!  

He's an eyeglass-wearing computer brain, who thinks GREEN, loves the environment, pushes pencils and knows his numbers.  He might sound super boring to you, but in fact, Joe is much more.  His Clark Kent persona turns into Superman when necessary. 

Underneath his suits and staunch CEO personality,  he's as physically attractive as the man of steel.  He's tall, deadly handsome with or without his eyeglasses and he's built like a world-class swimmer. 

Ali loves Joe, her boss, but she soon discovers that Joe is much more than he seems.  He's bold and passionate and there's no doubt in her mind, he's the man for her. 

I had a picture of what Joe looked like, eyeglasses and all.  (I think a man looks sexy in them)  and so here's a glimpse of the Joe I envisioned when writing him.
What do you think? 

1 comment:

  1. Wow Charlene. This is Joe. This is how I would imagine Joe Carlino. The glasses make him even sexier than the book makes him out to be.
    I loved how you made him out to be a workaholic. Wow that didn't last for long. Joe needs to let loose and trust in love. Ali Pendrake is just the woman to bring out the best in any man. It only was better because she has unrequited love for the clueless Joe. She is willing to change her life because of love. In the end it is love that changes both her and Joe.
    Great story and I just know Nick is going to blow us out of the water. I can hardly wait.
